Tuesday 6 October 2009

How To Grow House Plants and Make Money

by Wolfdave

More and more people are discovering that growing indoor plants is a very satisfying and rewarding hobby. And because the homes in which we now live are lighter, warmer and more or less draught free, than they used to be, there is less chance of your plants suffering from dramatic changes in temperature throughout the course of the day, or night. So a whole new range of plants from across the world can now be successfully grown indoors.
Many people, of course, live in flats or apartments and have no garden at all to grow plants in. So growing indoor plants for these people provides them with a valuable contact with nature. Of course, people with gardens, large or small, also like to grow plants indoors so they can enjoy the beauty of their plants, even in the midst of winter or when the rain is lashing at the window. Most of us like to have contact with nature, it lifts our spirits, and so by growing plants indoors we can observe and enjoy our plants from the very start, as a cutting or seed, through to its full beauty.
Growing plants in your home does not require a vast amount of time out of your busy lives. Just a little knowledge about the particular plant you choose. Where to site it: In the window, for example, or away from direct sunlight. When to water it, and by how much. Does it require any special plant food? You only need to learn this information once, and then you tend your plant accordingly. All good garden centres, nurseries and florists will gladly provide you with this knowledge when you purchase your chosen plant.
It is a good idea to start with just one or two plants, so that you can properly tend to them. Rather than having too many and not having enough time to fully care for them. As you gain experience, you can add more plants if you find you have time to spare. A plant adds life and interest, and it is now possible to grow plants in almost any room. You can choose bright flowering plants or foliage plants to enhance your decorating scheme. You can have just one in each room or create an arrangement of your own.
You can, of course, add cut flowers to your arrangements or display these separately. However, cut flowers do not have a very long life, whereas a pot-plant will provide interest for months and years to come. Having said that, cut flowers do provide instant colour to your home for a modest outlay.
There is such a wide range of plants to chose from these days and your choice will vary depending on the temperatures in your rooms, a heating system installed in your home, the direction your windows face, available space and of course, your own preference.
Visit your local garden centres or nurseries, with a room and location for your plant in mind. Take your time looking at the varieties on show. If you see one you like, read or ask for information about its care and maintenance. If it is suitable for your home, select one with plenty of buds still to open. This will ensure your plant will continue to bloom once you have it at home. Also look for any damages to your plant before you buy, and examine for pests.
Make sure your plant is suitably protected for the journey home. It has probably spent most of its life thus far, in a greenhouse or warm environment. Try not to expose it to draughts or chills on the way home and for the first few weeks after you get the plant home. Buying your plants in late spring or summer will give them a better chance to settle in before cooler winter temperatures arrive.

To find out how you can earn money from your plant growing hobby click, HERE.

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